Threat Analyst Summit 2024 威脅分析師高峰會

Welcome Threat Analyst Summit 2024


Event Information:

• Name:Threat Analyst Summit 2024

• Venue:ILLUME TAIPEI(No. 100, DunHua N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan)

• Date:December 11th & 12th , 2024

• Organizer:TeamT5

Evnet website:


About Threat Analyst Summit 2024:

• Our theme, "Stay Informed, Stay Secure." underscores the critical role of continuous intelligence in safeguarding against emerging threats.

• This time, we will provide you with in-depth insights into APTs and the latest cybercrime attack methods and defenses. Analysts from various countries will share their expert opinions, allowing you to easily uncover cutting-edge insights from experts around the world and delve deeply into innovative strategies for incident response.

Let's elevate our cybersecurity defenses and ensure a safer digital future.


About TeamT5:

• TeamT5 was established in 2017, consists of world-class cyber threat analysts with more than 20-year experience. Leveraging our geographic and cultural advantages, we have the best understanding of cyber attackers in Asia Pacific.

• Based on our research in malware & Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), we provide cyber threat intelligence reports and anti-ransomware solutions to clients in the USA, Japan, and Taiwan. Clients include government agencies, financial business, telecom operators, high-tech enterprises, electronic manufacturing service companies, and managed security service providers(MSSP).




Super Loyal Fan

▫ Price: TWD$ 7,000

▫ Remarks:

• Super Loyal Fan tickets available until August 31.

• Seating for this discounted ticket is limited to 20 seats and available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Early Bird

▫ Price: TWD$ 10,000

▫ Remarks:

• Early Bird tickets available from September 1 to November 8.

• Seating for this discounted ticket is limited to 20 seats and available on a first-come, first-served basis.


General Admission

▫ Price: TWD$ 20,000

▫ Remarks:

• General Admission tickets available from November 1 to November 29.



▫ Price: TWD$ 5,000

▫ Remarks:

• Student tickets are available right now.

• Please email and include an enrollment letter or a student ID card to request a purchase code.

• For Student Pass QR-code holders, please present a student ID at the registration to prove current enrollment, or provide a proof of graduation in the current year (such as a diploma). Failure to provide appropriate proof of current enrollment or recent graduation will result in denied entries, and no refunds will be given.

• Seating for this discounted ticket is limited to 30 seats and available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Sponsor Discount

▫ Price: TWD$ 5,000

▫ Remarks:

• Sponsor Discount tickets are available right now.

• This is a limited ticket type, and you need a purchase code to buy tickets



• Attendees will receive their welcome gift and an event T-shirt upon arrival. Due to production timelines, T-shirt will "NOT" be guaranteed to provide the required size if you register after November 1.

• Welcome gifts and event T-shirt will not be shipped to absent attendees.

 • Event T-shirt Size Chart

Chest 44 47 50 53 56 59
Hight 64 67 70 73 75 77



• Threat Analyst Summit 2024 does not offer on-site ticket sales.

• The organizer reserves the right to amend any part of the event format, agenda or programme if necessary at any time.

• Please read the Privacy & Cookies Policy of TeamT5 carefully.

• Please keep your admission QR Code for verification.

• Participants are expected to handle their own traveling and accommodation costs.


Notes on invoice issuance:

• E-invoices for this event will be handled by the KKTIX ticketing system.

The e-invoice will be sent to the purchaser’s email within 1 week after payment is completed. If you are the ticket holder (but not the purchaser), please contact the purchaser directly for the invoice.

Free tickets cannot be issued with a Tax ID Number or an Invoice.

• One invoice for each order. If you need multiple invoices for each attendee, please split them into separate orders when registering. 

• The e-invoice will be delivered via email. You can print the invoice out if you need a physical copy to claim the expense.

• Questions regarding invoice issuance/change request/reissuance shall be directed to KKTIX Customer Support


Contact Us:

• Please contact us at if you need any assistance on ticketing.



2024 威脅分析師高峰會 歡迎您的參與



• 活動名稱:2024 威脅分析師高峰會 Threat Analyst Summit 2024 

• 活動地點:茹曦酒店 ILLUME TAIPEI(臺北市松山區敦化北路 100 號)

• 活動時間:2024/12/11 (三) - 2024/12/12 (四)

• 主辦單位:杜浦數位安全 TeamT5

• 活動網頁:



• 掌握先機已不僅是防禦優勢,而是勢在必行。第二屆 TAS 威脅分析師高峰會即將在 2024 年 12 月 11 日至 12 日進行為期兩日的研討。這次,我們將在活動中使您深度了解進階持續性攻擊( APT )以及網路犯罪的最新攻擊手段並進行防禦,同時將有來自各國的分析師,讓您輕鬆掌握來自各國資安專家的專業見解,並獲得應變資安威脅的最新策略。

• 為了您的情資安全,定期了解最新網路攻擊手法,以提升網路安全防禦能量,在面對資安攻擊時,更能臨危不亂,及時將傷害降到最低。歡迎您與 TeamT5 一起,在資安第一線防禦上共同努力。


關於 TeamT5:

• TeamT5 杜浦數位安全成立於 2017 年,我們專精於亞太地區網路威脅研究,長期研究網路攻擊,追蹤攻擊者,專精類別如進階持續性攻擊(  APT  )、勒索軟體。我們以精準的威脅情資與獨特的端點威脅狩獵技術,提供反制網路間諜、勒索軟體之資安解決方案。

• 客戶來自美國、日本、臺灣,產業別涵蓋政府機關、金融、科技、電信、資安服務提供商,持續保護機密文件,阻斷網路攻擊。




Super Loyal Fan

▫ 票價: 新台幣 $7,000 元

▫ 票卷說明 :

• Super Loyal Fan 售票期間為 即日起至 2024 年 8 月 31 日(六)止。

• 此優惠票限額 20 名,售完即止。


Early Bird

▫ 票價: 新台幣 $10,000 元

▫ 票卷說明 :

• 早鳥票售票期間為 2024 年 9 月 01 日(日)起至 2024 年 11 月 8 日(五) 止

• 此優惠票限額 20 名,售完即止。


General Admission

▫ 票價: 新台幣 $20,000 元

▫ 票卷說明 :

• General Admission 售票期間為 2024 年 11 月 1 日(五)起至 2024 年 11 月 29 日(五) 止



▫ 票價: 新台幣 $5,000 元

▫ 票卷說明 :

• 即日起開始售票。

若有學生票購票需求,請來信 並附上在學證明學生證,以索取購票代碼。

持學生票 QRcode 入場證者,請於報到時出示學生證證明在學,或出示足以證明為當年度應屆畢業之證明文件影本(如畢業證書)。若無法證明在學或應屆畢業,主辦單位有權拒絕提供入場,且不予退費。

• 此優惠票限額 30 名,售完即止。


Sponsor Discount

▫ 票價: 新台幣 $5,000 元

▫ 票卷說明 :

• 即日開始售票。

• 此為限定票種,須獲得購票代碼後才可進行購票。



• 現場報到時,每位參加者可領取精美迎賓袋一份及活動紀念 T-shirt 一件。由於製作流程限制,於 11/1 後完成報名者,將「不保證」提供所需尺寸的紀念 T-shirt。

• 未出席活動者,迎賓袋及活動紀念 T-shirt 將不予補寄。

• 紀念 T-shirt 尺寸表

胸寬 44 47 50 53 56 59
衣長 64 67 70 73 75 77


• 本活動不開放現場售票。

• 主辦單位保有修改議程之權利。

• 請與會人員詳細閱讀「TeamT5 個人隱私權保護聲明」。

• 當日憑 QRcode 入場,請妥善留存您的票券。

• 本票卷不包含住宿,與會人員往返交通費及住宿請自理。

• 本次活動因委託 KKTIX 代開發票,故請您於購票前必須完成註冊 KKTIX  會員,方可購票,造成不便敬請見諒。



• 本活動委由「KKTIX」開立電子發票。

• 需開統編者,請於購票時填妥公司抬頭統一編號,以利發票作業。

• 免費票種不可開立統編及發票。

• 發票將於付款完成後一週後寄至購票者信箱,若您為持票人(非自行購票),請自行洽購票人索取。

• 一筆訂單僅開立一張發票,若因報名數人需要數張發票,請拆開訂單報名。

• 電子發票以 Email 形式發送,您收到之後可以將發票列印成紙本報帳。

• 有關發票開立/更改/遺失重開等相關問題,請洽 KKTIX 客服



• 若有任何問題請來信活動信箱

Event Map



Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
Super Loyal Fan

2024/07/23 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/08/31 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$7,000
Early Bird

2024/09/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/11/08 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$10,000
General Admission

2024/11/01 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/09 17:00(+0800)
  • TWD$20,000

2024/07/23 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/09 17:00(+0800)
  • TWD$5,000

2024/07/23 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/09 17:00(+0800)
  • Free
Special Discount

2024/07/23 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/12/09 17:00(+0800)
  • TWD$5,000